viernes, 29 de diciembre de 2017

¿Cómo se obtiene un préstamo hipotecario?

Por lo general, si cumples con todos los requisitos, pueden pasar entre 4 y 5 semanas para la firma de tu crédito y la compra ante el Notario Público.

En principio, es necesario saber de qué se trata un préstamo hipotecario. Un préstamo hipotecario es un financiamiento que ofrece una entidad bancaria respaldada por una entidad física, un inmueble como, por ejemplo, una casa; esta es la forma en que se le garantiza a la entidad bancaria que el dinero le será retribuido de alguna forma, en caso de que quien solicite el préstamo no pueda quedar solvente ante el cobro del mismo, esto representará la forma parcial o total del préstamo. Estos préstamos suelen realizarse a largo o mediano plazo, entre 15 y 30 años, y las condiciones sobre el mismo variarán según el fin que tenga, comprar una segunda residencia, reunificación de deudas-consolidación, entre muchas otras razones.

Podemos decir entonces que un préstamo hipotecario es el que se le concede a una persona, con la condición de que esta se comprometa a devolver a la entidad bancaria que realiza el préstamo, el mismo monto más la suma de los intereses que haya acumulado; usando como aval una propiedad física que podría ser traspasada al banco a través de un proceso jurídico, en caso de incumplimiento de las condiciones del préstamo.

Antes de solicitar tu préstamo hipotecario debes considerar algunos factores, los más importantes son:

  • Averigua si la tasa de interés es fija o ajustable: la tasa ajustable puede variar considerablemente a lo largo del plazo de pago, mientras que la tasa fija no tendrá variaciones.
  • Solicita información en más de una entidad bancaria: todas manejan diversos términos. Infórmate y asesórate con el fin de encontrar la que más se adapte a tus necesidades y posibilidades.
  • Infórmate acerca de los plazos de pago: podrías ahorrarte una suma importante de dinero si escoges cancelar tu deuda en el menor plazo que puedas pagar.

Existen también tipos de hipotecas que debes estudiar detenidamente antes de tomar la decisión de solicitar un préstamo, debes considerar cuál de estas es la que más te conveniente:
  • Hipotecas a tasa fija

La tasa de interés de estas hipotecas se fija al inicio y, durante el tiempo en el que debes cancelarla, no variará. Su plazo suele ser de 15 a 30 años.
  • Hipotecas a tasa ajustable

La tasa de las hipotecas a tasa ajustable varía según la tasa de interés en el mercado; podría subir o bajar en cualquier momento.

La solicitud de un préstamo hipotecario es de gran ayuda para sacarte de un aprieto en un momento determinado, y puedes hacer uso de él aplicando de forma adecuada en el lugar adecuado. Asesórate antes de tomar esta decisión, recuerda que estarás adquiriendo un compromiso financiero a largo plazo. Si necesitas la asesoría de profesionales en el campo, puedes contactarnos a través de nuestras redes sociales. Todo el equipo de  Ace Florida Realty está perfectamente capacitado para ayudarte.

Somos una corredora inmobiliaria de servicio completo, que ha prestado servicios a compradores y vendedores del sur de la Florida durante más de una década. La satisfacción de nuestros clientes es nuestra prioridad. Ya sea que estés comprando, vendiendo o alquilando bienes residenciales o comerciales. Utilizaremos nuestra amplia experiencia en el mercado y las habilidades de negociación para lograr los resultados que deseas. ¡Contáctanos!

Las condiciones de las hipotecas son negociables, y nada te impide pedir ofertas en varias instituciones financieras para elegir la mejor.

Instagram : @aceflrealty
Twitter: @aceflrealty

Youtube:  ACE FL Realty

jueves, 28 de diciembre de 2017

Wanting to Buy a House? Invest in These Areas of Miami

When deciding where to buy, keep in mind that the price depends on the area, not the house.

The United States has a world of possibilities for those who want to start their lives of independence. In this context, buying a house can be quite cumbersome, considering that you also have to analyze the city and, in addition, specific areas of that urban center. In Miami, one of the best cities for those who are looking for a warm weather and a cheerful atmosphere, housing costs fluctuate depending on the area, so you should analyze what you really what and what are you looking for.

In today's blog, Ace Florida Realty gives you the opportunity to know the best areas to invest and buy in Miami, so you can consider all the options and make the best decision. It won't be an easy road, but at least you'll know everything Miami has to offer.

The best areas to buy a house in Miami

Due to its financial and industrial growth, and tourist attractions, Miami is the ideal city to invest in. For that reason, it’s necessary to know the market and find out which could be the best place to start a new life or to make the best investment.


What is known as the financial center of Miami, is now also identified as one of the best areas to live in. Its privileged location near the city center, its luxurious condos and residential buildings, numerous coffee shops and clubs, and its exclusive bayfront space make it the ideal place to start an active and successful life.

North Bay Village

This is a three-island community in northwest Miami Dade. Its appeal lies in its communication route, the John F. Kennedy Causeway, which connects them with downtown Miami and Miami Beach. Equally, its beach views and numerous restaurants and shops make this area one of the best places to live.


Wynwood is the so-called art district for its numerous galleries with exhibitions of street artists and the murals that can be found in the surrounding areas. Nowadays, it presents excellent projections and has become an ideal place to invest for young art lovers.

Coconut Grove

Known as one of the quietest and calmest places in Miami, Coconut Grove offers you the opportunity to set aside the stress of the day, living to the rhythm of this exclusive neighborhood with ocean views, green spaces, coffee shops, and its own shopping mall: CocoWalk Mall. This area offers new buyers everything they want in one place.

As you can see, Miami has spaces to please all tastes, just define what you want, and the city will offer it. If you want to know other incredible areas in which you could invest and buy, seek advice from Ace Florida Realty, the best real estate agency in Miami. Their knowledge about the best corners of the city will allow you to fulfill your dream of living in an earthly paradise. Follow them through their social networks and find all the information you need to know about real estate in Miami.
On today's blog, Ace Florida Realty gives you information about the best areas of Miami.

Instagram : @aceflrealty
Twitter: @aceflrealty

Youtube:  ACE FL Realty

martes, 26 de diciembre de 2017

Steps to Become a Realtor

 To become a realtor, you must be registered with the National Association of Realtors.

Many think that this profession is simple. Movies or series personify the real estate agent as a successful worker, with a quiet life, great eloquence and a lot of money. But is it really that simple? You just have to know how to talk, be nice and know how to sell? If we consider that it’s a heavily regulated profession, the reality is that to become a Realtor, much more is required.

If you really want to be a Realtor in Florida, endorsed by the National Association of Realtors, you must follow and comply with the steps and requirements provided by Ace Florida Realty.

Basic requirements

For some people, these requirements may be obvious, but in some cases, it’s necessary to specify that you must be over 18 years to start practicing this profession. You must also hold a high school diploma and have a United States Social Security number.

Comply with pre-licensing course

Complete the real estate sales associate with a pre-licensing course approved by the Florida Real Estate Commission. This course has 63 hours of classes and students can’t miss more than 8 hours.

Apply for the Florida Real Estate Sales Associate Examination

One of the prerequisites to apply for the exam is to have your fingerprints scanned as proof that a background check was done. With your electronic fingerprints, application form and payment of the corresponding fees you can now apply for the license and exam.

The exam, given by Pearson Vue, must be passed with at least 75% of the correct answers. If you didn’t pass, you could retake the exam only once more in that same year.

Activate your license

To start working as a real estate agent, you must activate your license, find employment with a licensed broker and use the Sales Associate or the Broker Sales Associate transactions form.

And now you became a Realtor?

Not yet. The designation as Realtor is given by the National Association of Realtors (NAR); only this institution can give the designation to real estate agents. To register in the NAR you need to be a member of your local real estate association, take the online Code of Ethics course and pass the exam. Once you are accepted as a member of the institution, you will have access to the MLS, Multiple Listing Service that allows agents to market properties picked up by another member.

With all this information, are you ready to start your real estate career? If you have any doubt about the educational process of real estate agents, contact Ace Florida Realty, a real estate broker agency with extensive experience in the field, with training courses for future real estate agents. If you need more information, don't hesitate to ask through their social networks, they will give you the answer you are looking for.
Being a realtor is more than being a real estate agent.

Instagram : @aceflrealty
Twitter: @aceflrealty

Youtube:  ACE FL Realty

lunes, 25 de diciembre de 2017

¿Por qué deberías comprar una casa en Miami estas Navidades?

Descúbrelo en este artículo.

Seguramente si has visitado Miami estarás de acuerdo cuando decimos que es una ciudad muy hermosa de los Estados Unidos. Con espectaculares playas, posee una ventaja del idioma debido a la inmensa cantidad de latinos que hay. Desde el año 2000, según datos del último censo nacional, el español es el idioma más hablado en la ciudad de Miami con casi 70% de hispanoparlantes. Estas ventajas la convierten en el lugar predilecto para emigrar. Si deseas comprar una casa estas Navidades en Miami no te pierdas las siguientes ventajas:

  1. Mercado internacional. Miami es el principal mercado para inversión extranjera. Por encima de otros mercados estadounidenses.
  2. Clima envidiable. La única gran ciudad “subtropical” en EE.UU. Temperatura promedio de 75ºF/23ºC.
  3. Más de 15 km de playas. Con 84 millas de costa del Océano Atlántico y 67 millas cuadradas de vías navegables.
  4. Deportes de agua todo el año. Buceo, vela, canotaje, kayak, motos de agua, entre otros.
  5. Vida nocturna. South Beach, Brickell, Downtown, entre otros, reúnen los mejores restaurantes y clubes nocturnos.
  6. Gastronomía. Miami esta lleno de restaurantes con chefs en cocinas de alto rango a nivel mundial.
  7. Crecimiento económico. Tasas de desempleo por debajo del promedio nacional; las ventas residenciales siguen en ascenso. Miami es la primera ciudad que se recuperó de la crisis inmobiliaria.
  8. Ubicación estratégica entre América Latina y Europa. Es ideal para vivir, estudiar y hacer negocios
  9. Centro global de empresas. Sede de casi 1,200 empresas multinacionales de 56 naciones distintas; más de 100 consulados y Cámaras Binacionales de Comercio.
  10. Principal destino turístico: Cerca de 14 millones de visitantes por año, con más de 6 millones de visitantes internacionales.
  11. “Capital de los Cruceros del Mundo”. El puerto de Miami mueve más de 4 millones de pasajeros al año; sirve a más de 240 puertos marítimos; maneja 9 millones de toneladas de carga con mercados de Brasil, China, Italia, Hong Kong y Honduras.
  12. Educación de primera. Colegios internacionales y Universidades de reconocimiento mundial.
  13. Reconocidos hospitales. Miami tiene 33 hospitales. Entre ellos el Jackson Memorial, uno de los principales en EE.UU. y el Hospital de Niños de Miami, clasificado como hospital pediátrico superior en el país.

Son muchas las ventajas que podemos encontrar en Miami, sin duda alguna, es una de las mejores ciudades de los Estados Unidos. Si deseas ver algunas propiedades estas Navidades ¡Tenemos justo lo que necesitas!, te acompañaremos en todo el proceso y te ayudaremos con los trámites. Ace Florida Realty es una corredora inmobiliaria de servicio completo, que ha prestado servicio a compradores y vendedores del sur de la Florida durante más de una década. La satisfacción de nuestros clientes es nuestra prioridad. Ya sea que estés comprando, vendiendo o alquilando bienes residenciales o comerciales. Utilizaremos nuestra amplia experiencia en el mercado y las habilidades de negociación para lograr los resultados que deseas. ¡Contáctanos!

La gran cantidad de latinos, junto con el idioma, lo convierten en el lugar predilecto para emigrar. 

Instagram : @aceflrealty
Twitter :@aceflrealty

viernes, 15 de diciembre de 2017

Adquirir una propiedad en Florida siendo extranjero

Solicita la ayuda de una persona familiarizada con las leyes estadounidenses.

La interrogante que más escuchamos por parte de los extranjeros es “¿Puedo adquirir una propiedad en Florida?” La respuesta es sí, ¡claro que se puede! Si deseas comprar una vivienda en Estados Unidos siendo extranjero, debes saber que no solo es posible sino que es relativamente fácil. Si posees algunas dudas, no te preocupes, las inquietudes principales sobre este tema las resolveremos a continuación.

¿Cómo adquirir una propiedad en Florida?
Para comenzar con el proceso de adquirir una propiedad en Florida, se debe contratar a una corredora inmobiliaria, ya que, si se llega a necesitar financiación, la corredora inmobiliaria puede ponerse en contacto con el banco y ofrecer a los clientes alternativas para la financiación. Así que obtener una hipoteca en Estados Unidos es más fácil de lo que crees. El asesor inmobiliario está en la capacidad de ponerte en contacto con instituciones bancarias o corredores de hipoteca. Todo esto con el fin de tramitar la calificación y aprobación del préstamo.

No es necesario estar presente en Florida durante toda la tramitación, ya que se puede otorgar un poder notarial (power of attorney) a un representante. Este tipo de transacciones en Estados Unidos son rápidas, no suelen prolongarse más allá de un mes si se cuenta con los recursos necesarios. Pero si se busca un crédito, podría tardar alrededor de tres meses, dependiendo de las condiciones del comprador.

Se debe cumplir con todas las obligaciones impuestas por el país natal para transferencias internacionales de dinero y pago de impuestos. Los extranjeros pueden comprar casi cualquier cosa en suelo estadounidense, incluyendo alguna propiedad en Florida. Piensa en condominios y resorts lujosos, apartamentos residenciales, viviendas en comunidades cerradas, multifamiliares, terrenos, fincas, propiedades comerciales y oficinas. Exceptuando las cooperativas o Co-ops, para las que se requiere tributar la mayor parte del sueldo en el país y tener afincado allí el patrimonio.

Si te encuentras en la búsqueda de un terreno, puedes contactarnos sin ningún compromiso; te acompañaremos en todo el proceso y te ayudaremos con los trámites. Ace Florida Realty es una corredora inmobiliaria de servicio completo, que ha prestado servicios a compradores y vendedores del sur de la Florida durante más de una década.

La satisfacción de nuestros clientes es nuestra prioridad. Ya sea que estés comprando, vendiendo o alquilando bienes residenciales o comerciales. Utilizaremos nuestra amplia experiencia en el mercado y las habilidades de negociación para lograr los resultados que deseas. ¡Contáctanos!
Tu agente inmobiliario debe hablar inglés con fluidez, y debes conseguir una tercera persona que se encargue de revisar los contratos, o las ofertas de compra, que envíes en inglés.

Instagram : @aceflrealty
Twitter       :@aceflrealty

miércoles, 13 de diciembre de 2017

Know How to Get the Best Professional Property Management

Conducting a home search on your own might not be as easy as you think, it's tough! 

Having a list of properties is a must if you’re on the lookout for a place to move. These lists are compiled by a team of experts, and take into consideration all the things you comment and desire. But what makes the property you’re buying or selling stand out from the bulk? What makes it get to the top of the long list of realtor’s offers? Well, that’s when professional property management comes in. This is what makes the experience of buying or selling stand out from the rest!

What’s professional property management?

In the realty business, you need to have certain requirements to work. One of those is the ability to discern and consider all the alternatives you have and transform them into something more efficient and tailored. But not only that, they highlight a guide for interior design and other housing and marketing techniques that catapult your product to the right place. That’s professional property management in a cup!

Professionals in property management are not only sellers; they’re aides in the process from the moment you hire their services. And believe it or not, you need to have all the important things on board when you’re looking for alternatives to buy or sell a property.

What to look for in a property manager?

While you might think that all the people working in realty business have this talent, the reality is that the number of highly qualified professionals is small. Most of them limit their efforts to traditional realty to business and paperwork. But how do you know that your realtor is more than that? How can you pick a professional property manager? What things should you be looking for? Here’s a list of qualities that every professional property manager must have!
  • A knack for negotiation: A good and professional realtor must have your back all the time. They should be working with you on alternatives to get good offers through great negotiation tactics.
  • Ability to look for the best: A property might be looking a bit drab, and you might not want it at first. But a professional property manager will know the way to help you look at it differently. They might even get a lower price to give you some allowance to change the aspects you don’t like, for example.
  • Decorative eye: Some realtors come to a property that has all the things their clients might desire, but is not highlighted the right way. They will work along with an interior designer, or by themselves, to change up a bit of the space to make it more appealing to potential tenants or buyers.
  • Socialization skills: Property managers are great at socializing. This makes them more prone to offering you a more tailored list of clients, as they know the needs and requirements of these potential clients and make sure to fit them to your requirements.

Professional property management is a must if you want to have the home of your dreams in record time. For that reason, we recommend you the assistance of experts like the ones at ACE Florida Realty. They are in charge of creating unique plans for you to acquire the property of your dreams. Just contact them and know the difference when it comes to buying or selling!
Remember that you'll have to concentrate on the aspects that matter about a property, such as the floor condition, leakage and the like.

Instagram : @aceflrealty
Twitter: @aceflrealty

Youtube:  ACE FL Realty

martes, 12 de diciembre de 2017

The Gift of Property Ownership, This Christmas, with Ace Florida Realty

Owning a property can give you an incredible head start this New Year!

A lovely couple has been trying to buy a home for over three months. Then, the holiday season rolls in and they think: should we keep on searching for our ideal home? This happens to a lot of people as the year is closing in. While for some this is a time of union and family gatherings, for some it means a deep change in their lives. This can come in a variety of forms: from moving up to another city to buying a home. And these can all be gifts for yourself, to kickstart the year in a new place, a new life! But what are the benefits of giving yourself a new home, and why should this couple keep on looking for a property?

Why buy in Christmas time?

While it might seem counterproductive to buy in this time of the year, the market is really open if you’re looking to acquire a property. And there are great benefits if you’re looking for a chance to get a special offer. But, is there a reason in why this happens? Why must you consider property ownership right in the middle of the holidays?

Here’s a list of reasons why buying in holiday season is a good idea:
  • Better listings: while there’s a dip in the offerings (some take back or put their property offerings on hold) the options are still there. And in fact, you are more likely to find properties that fill your requirements. You’re also less likely to get stressed by the dozens of houses available, and have more chance to ponder among the options you have.

  • The motivation is high: the emotional state of sellers is off the charts this season. Some are more motivated to sell their properties and often create emotional connections with their potential buyers. This gives you a good head start when it comes to getting a better deal for a property. The motivation to sell and shed the stress of financial operations also boost your chances of property ownership.  

  • Less competitivity: most buyers don’t want to do the hard work during the holiday season. That’s why they don’t work towards buying during Christmas time. As that happens, you have a chance to make better offers to the owner, and have less chance of being outbid by another potential buyers.

  • Overall lower prices: while the overall selling options decline, the sellers are forced to lower their prices. It’s an historical fact of the season! That’s why it’s ideal if you want to get the home you want at a better price for property ownership.

  • Better mortgage rates: the mortgage rates tend to go up in the first months of the year. For that reason, buying a property last months of the year might be a better choice for you. That combined with the overall lower prices, gives you a better payment option in the long run.

Taking these things into consideration, the couple that were looking for a home, found their ideal place right in their preferred Miami area. You can be like them! You just need to pair up with the right Realty Business to get yourself the gift of ownership this christmas! ACE Florida Realty offers you great properties that can help you welcome this new year with a great acquisition! Contact them now to know the offerings they have on their listings and how you can celebrate holidays in a new property.
Enjoy the holidays by acquiring a home and making it your own!

Instagram : @aceflrealty
Twitter: @aceflrealty

Youtube:  ACE FL Realty

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